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Adjuvants & Formulations

Bimonthly newsletter for agchem specialists (former Adjuvant Newsletter)


July / August 2018

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Guidelines for future generations of active ingredients
How do developers of active ingredients think about the most appropriate physicochemical properties to attain well defined pesticide activities? Two research teams published just recently papers on guidelines for the design of new generations of active ingredients. Adjuvants & Formulations summarises their findings with a focus on pesticides applied to the foliage.

Patents in brief
Russian formulators seek patent protection for micelle-forming auxinic herbicide formulations. Adjuvants & Formulations also reports about new formulations for imazamox, a mixture of prosulfocarb plus trifluralin, the insecticides dinotefuran and cyclaniliprole, a mixture of the oomycete controlling fungicides valifenalate, cymoxanil and mancozeb and the nematicide fluensulfone. Other recently filed patents cover formulations that disperse well in cold and hard water and a new class of alcohol alkoxylate adjuvants.

Editorial: What is going on with the western agchem scientific community?
The yearly number of original Chinese research papers on new formulations increases steadily and the number of original research papers in the western journals written by western scientists decreases. What is happening?

And further in this issue
Adjuvant effects on greenhouse performance of pinoxaden.
Formulation of botanicals.
Effect of formulations and spray nozzles on 2,4-D spray drift.
Hydrogel as a slow release nitrogen fertiliser and water retention aid.
Abamectin solid nanodispersion formulation.
Bee alarm pheromones repel elephants.
Well-chosen adjuvant or carrier can help plant pathologist.
Large reductions in pesticides made possible by use of an insect-trapping lamp.
New approach makes sprayed droplets hit and stick to their targets.
Mobile apps independently recognize pests and diseases.
Drone can detect herbicide-resistant weeds early.
An overview of the recent adjuvant and formulation literature, including hyperlinks to original sources.
Adjuvant and formulation news from the annual meetings of the Southern Weed Science Society, the California Weed Science Society and the Western Society of Weed Science, and further from the 28th German Conference on Weed Biology and Weed Control, the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2018) and the ACS Fall 2018 National Meeting & Exhibition.

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Adjuvants & Formulations is a bimonthly digital newsletter published by SURfaPLUS Internet Services. On the website you will find additional information about this newsletter, including information about subscriptions.

Adjuvants & Formulations focuses on all companies, institutions and individuals involved in the production, distribution, sale, use and registration of adjuvants and formulations.

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